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Big House is the best place in Antigonish to find quality accomodations

Hello There

I'm Pat Smith. And I love big, beautiful classic houses.

I've been renting quality accomodations to the students of St. Francis Xavier University for over 30 years.

Take a gander!

The Big Houses

The Details

My wife Patty and I renovate and refurbish these gorgeous rental homes in downtown Antigonish. Apartment, single room, entire home rental – you name it. They're all located a short walk from the SFXU campus. They're on yearly leases, include utilities, and they all come equipped with fridge, stove, washer and dryer. You won't find a more dedicated, hardworking landlord around these parts. And if you do, let me know – I've got words for 'em.

Give Me a Shout!

Pat Smith